*Coequal first authors; †Coequal corresponding authors
1. Persani L, Rodien P, Moran C, Visser WE, Groeneweg S, Peeters R, Refetoff S, Gurnell M, Beck-Peccoz P, Chatterjee K. 2024 European Thyroid Association Guidelines on diagnosis and management of genetic disorders of thyroid hormone transport, metabolism and action. Eur. Thyroid J. (2024) 13:e240125 PMID:38963712
2. Moran C, Schoenmakers N, Halsall D, Oddy S, Lyons G, van den Berg S, Gurnell M, Chatterjee K. Approach to the patient with raised thyroid hormones and non-suppressed TSH. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (2024) 109:1094-1108. PMID: 37988295
3. Lockhart SM, Muso M, Zvetkova I, Lam BYH, Ferrari A, Schoenmakers E, Duckett K, Leslie J, Romartinez-Alonso B, Tadross J, Jia R, Gardner EJ, Kentistou K, Zhao Y, Day F, Morseburg A, Rainbow K, Rimmington D, Mastantuoni M, Harrison J, Nus M, Guma’a K, Sherratt-Mayhew S, Jiang X, Smith KR, Paul DS, Jenkins B, Koullman A, Pietzner M, Langenberg C, Wareham N, Yeo GS, Chatterjee K, Schwabe J, Oakley F, Mann D, Tontonoz P, Coll T, Ong K, Perry JRB, O’Rahilly S. Damaging mutations in liver X receptor-a are hepatotoxic and implicate cholesterol sensing in liver health. Nature Metabolism (2024)6:1922-1938. PMID: 39322746
4. Schoenmakers E, Marelli F, Jorgensen HF, Visser WEV, Moran C, Groeneweg S, Avalos C, Jurgens SJ, Figg N, Finigan A, Wali N, Agostini M, Wardle-Jones H, Lyons G, Rusk R, Gopalan D, Twiss P, Visser J, Goddard M, Nashef S, Heijmen R, Clift P, Sinha S, Pirruccello JP, Ellinor PT, Busch-Nentwich E, Ramirez-Solis R, Persani L, Bennett M, Chatterjee K. Selenoprotein deficiency predisposes to aortic aneurysm formation. Nature Communications (2023) 14:7994. PMID: 38042913.
5. Okosieme OE, Usman D, Taylor PN, Dayan CM, Lyons G, Moran C, Chatterjee K, Rees DA. Cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients in Wales, UK with Resistance to Thyroid Hormone b (RTHb): a linked record study. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. (2023) 11: 657-666. PMID 37475119
6. Dore R, Watson L, Hollidge S, Krause C, Sentis SC, Oelkrug R, Geisler C, Johann K, Pedaran M, Lyons G, Lopez-Alcantara N, Resch J, Sayk F, Iwen KA, Franke A, Boysen TJ, Dalley JW, Lorenz K, Moran C, Rennie KL, Arner A, Kirchner H, Chatterjee K, Mittag J. Resistance to thyroid hormone induced tachycardia in RTHa syndrome. Nat. Commun. (2023) 14:3312. PMID: 37286550.
7. Moran C and Chatterjee K. Maternal Resistance to Thyroid Hormone b and pregnancy outcomes. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. (2023) 109:e420-e421. PMID 37315195.
8. Moran C*, McEniery CM*, Schoenmakers N, Mitchell C, Sleigh A, Watson L, Lyons G, Burling K, Barker P, Chatterjee K. Dyslipidaemia, insulin resistance, ectopic lipid accumulation and vascular function in Resistance to thyroid Hormone beta. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. (2021) 106:e2005-e2014. PMID: 33524107
9. Uter J, Heldmann M, Rogge B, Obst M, Steinhardt J, Brabant G, Moran C, Chatterjee K, Münte TF. Patients with mutations of thyroid hormone beta receptor show an ADHD-like phenotype for performance monitoring: an electrophysiological study. NeuroImage Clin. (2020) 22:102250. PMID: 32217468
10. Moran C, Habeb AM, Kahaly GJ, Campmann C, Hughes M, Mark J, Rajanayagam O, Kuczynski A, Vargha-Khadem F, Morsy M, Offiah AC, Poole K, Ward K, Lyons G, Halsall D, Berman L, Watson L, Baguley D, Mollon J, Moore AT, Holder GE, Dattani M, Chatterjee K. Homozygous resistance to thyroid hormone β: Can combined anti-thyroid drug and triiodothyroacetic acid treatment prevent cardiac failure? J Endocr. Soc. (2017) 1:1203-1212. PMID:29264576
11. Moran C*, Agostini M*, Visser WE, Schoenmakers E, Schoenmakers N, Offiah AC, Poole K, Rajanayagam O, Lyons G, Halsall D, Gurnell M, Chrysis D, Eythimiadou A, Buchanan C, Aylwin S and Chatterjee K. Resistance to Thyroid Hormone caused by a mutation in thyroid hormone receptor (TR) alpha1 and TRalpha2: clinical, biochemical and genetic analyses of three related patients Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. (2014) 2: 619-626. PMID: 24969835
12. Bochukova E*, Schoenmakers N*, Agostini M, Schoenmakers E, Rajanayagam O, Keogh JM, Henning E, Reinemund J, Gevers E, Sarri M, Downes K, Offiah A, Albanese A, Halsall D, Schwabe J, Bain M, Lindley K, Muntoni F, Vargha Khadem F, Dattani M, Farooqi S, Gurnell M, Chatterjee K. A Mutation in the Thyroid Hormone Receptor Alpha Gene. N. Engl. J. Med. (2012) 366:243-249. PMID: 22168587
13. Sun Y*, Bak B*, Schoenmakers N*, van Trotsenburg ASP*, Oostdijk W, Voshol P, Cambridge E, White JK, le Tissier P, Gharavy SNM, Martinez-Barbera JP, Stokvis-Brantsma WH, Vulsma T, Kempers MJ, Persani L, Campi I, Bonomi M, Beck-Peccoz P, Zhu H, Davis TME, Hokken-Koelega ACS, Del Blanco DG, Rangasami JJ, Ruivenkamp CAL, Laros JFJ, Kriek M, Kant SG, Bosch CAJ, Biermasz NR, Appelman-Dijkstra NM, Corssmit EP, Hovens GCJ, Pereira AM, den Dunnen JT, Wade MG, Breuning MH, Hennekam RC, Chatterjee K†, Dattani MT†, Wit JM†, Bernard DJ†. Loss-of-function mutations in IGSF1 cause an X-linked syndrome of central hypothyroidism and testicular enlargement. Nature Genetics (2012) 44: 1375-1381. PMID: 23143598
14. Mitchell CS*, Savage DB*, Dufour S, Schoenmakers N, Murgatroyd P, Befroy D, Halsall D, Northcott S, Raymond-Barker P, Curran S, Henning E, Keogh J, Owen P, Lazarus J, Rothman DL, Farooqi IS, Shulman GI, Chatterjee K†, Petersen K F†. Resistance to thyroid hormone is associated with raised energy expenditure, muscle mitochondrial uncoupling, and hyperphagia. J. Clin. Invest. (2010) 120:1345-1354. PMID: 20237409
15. Schoenmakers E, Agostini M, Mitchell C, Schoenmakers N, Papp L, Rajanayagam O, Padidela R, Ceron-Gutierrez L, Doffinger R, Prevosto C, Luan J, Montano S, Lu J, Castanet M, Clemons N, Groeneveld M, Castets P, Karbaschi M, Aitken S, Dixon A, Williams J, Campi I, Blount M, Burton H, Muntoni F, O’Donovan D, Dean A, Warren A, Brierley C, Baguley D, Guicheney P, Fitzgerald R, Coles A, Gaston H, Todd P, Holmgren A, Khanna K, Cooke M, Semple R, Halsall D, Wareham N, Schwabe J, Grasso L, Beck-Peccoz P, Ogunko A, Dattani M, Gurnell M, Chatterjee K. Mutations in the selenocysteine insertion sequence-binding protein 2 gene lead to a multisystem selenoprotein deficiency disorder in humans. Journal of Clinical Investigation (2010) 120: 4220-4235. PMID: 21084748
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18. Kahaly GJ, Matthews CH, Mohr-Kalahy S, Richards CA, Chatterjee VKK. Cardiac involvement in thyroid hormone resistance. J. Clin. Endo. Metab. (2002) 87:204-212. PMID:11788648
19. Savage DB*, Agostini M*, Barroso I*, Gurnell M*, Luan JA*, Meirhaeghe A, Harding A-H, Ihrke G, Rajanayagam O, Soos MA, George S, Berger D, Thomas EL, Bell JD, Meeran K, Ross R, Vidal-Puig A, Wareham NJ, O’Rahilly S†, Chatterjee VKK†, Schafer AJ. Digenic inheritance of severe insulin resistance in a human pedigree. Nature Genetics (2002) 31: 379-384. PMID: 12118251
20. Tinnikov A, Nordstrom K, Thoren P, Kindblom JM, Malin S, Rozell B, Adams M, Rajanayagam O, Forrest D, Pettersson S, Ohlsson C, Chatterjee K, Vennstrom B. Retardation of post-natal development caused by a negatively acting thyroid hormone receptor a1. EMBO J. (2002) 21: 5079-5087. PMID: 12356724
21. Barroso I*, Gurnell M*, Crowley VEF*, Agostini M, Schwabe JW, Soos MA, Maslen GLI, Williams TDM, Lewis H, Schafer AJ, Chatterjee VKK†, O’Rahilly S†. Dominant negative mutations in human PPARg are associated with severe insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Nature (1999) 402: 880-883. PMID: 10622252
22. Gurnell M*, Wentworth JM*, Agostini M, Adams M, Collingwood TN, Provenzano C, Browne PO, Rajanayagam O, Burris TP, Schwabe JW, Lazar MA, Chatterjee VKK. A dominant negative PPARg mutant is a constitutive repressor and inhibits PPARg-mediated adipogenesis. Journal of Biological Chemistry (2000) 275: 5754-5759. PMID: 10681562
23. Collingwood TN, Wagner R, Matthews CH, Clifton-Bligh RJ, Gurnell M, Rajanayagam O, Agostini M, Fletterick RJ, Beck-Peccoz P, Reinhardt W, et al and Chatterjee VKK. A role for helix 3 of the TRb ligand binding domain in coactivator recruitment identified by characterization of a third cluster of mutations in resistance to thyroid hormone. EMBO J. (1998) 17:4760-4770. PMID:9707435
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